Am I Safe Platform developed under the scope of Erasmus+KA210 Small Scale Partnership in Youth was introduced to teenagers at high Schools

Am I Safe seminar for university students who study digital technologies.
In the scope of the dissemination activities of the project that we have organised AmISafe seminar for university students who study digital technologies.

How Safe is Your Personal Data? We Held the Last LTT Meeting of Our Project in Spain
Considering the fact that personal data has become a commercial commodity, the rapid increase in cybercrime, which gains a new dimension every day, and accordingly the large amount of personal data shared via social media, it is of great importance to protect personal data and take measures in this context. In this context, in order […]

Erasmus+ 2nd meeting held in Germany
The 2nd meeting of our project titled How Safe Is Your Personal Data, of which we are the coordinator, was hosted by NGO Nest Berlin in Berlin. Our local partner Western Black Sea Development Agency, our Spanish partner Inercia Digital, our German partner NGO Nest Berlin and our Association attended the meeting. During the meeting, […]

A Multinational Platform is Being Prepared Under the Cybersecurity Project
A Multinational Platform is Being Prepared Under the Cybersecurity Project. The project, which is financed by the European Union and coordinated by the Turkish National Agency under the main title “KA210 – Small-Scale Partnership in Youth”, and in partnership with the Western Black Sea Development Agency, held its first meeting in Zonguldak. The project “How […]